Standard Process 21 Day Purification Program
Standard Process 21-Day Detox and Cleanse Program
Start your journey towards better health with an all natural purification cleanse from Standard Process and start to live your best life today!
What are the benefits of a Standard Process purification program?
A purification program can have a significant, positive effect on the biochemistry of the body while allowing natural toxins and byproducts of daily metabolism to be eliminated.

Improved weight management

Increased energy
& vitality

Better digestion

Less bloating

Clearer thinking

Clearer skin

Shinier hair

Improvement of past conditions

Better sleep
Toxicity Questionnaire - How Toxic Am I?
Do you need to complete a purification? Determining your toxic load is the first step. Your toxic load is the amount of toxins that your body needs to process.
Yes or No: Do you or have you eaten processed foods?
Yes or No: Do you eat nonorganic fruits and vegetables?
Yes or No: Do you eat meat and poultry that are not free range?
Yes or No: Do you consume genetically altered food?
Yes or No: Do you or have you ever used artificial sweeteners?
Yes or No: Do you drink soda?
Yes or No: Do the foods you eat have preservatives, additives, dyes, or sweeteners added?
Yes or No: Do you eat fast foods and/or eat out regularly?
Yes or No: Do you charbroil or grill foods?
Yes or No: Do you drink coffee regularly?
Yes or No: Do you drink alcohol?
Yes or No: Do you drink tap water?
If the majority of your answers are “yes,” then it is likely that your diet contributes significantly to your toxic load.
Beyond diet, many external toxins, such as perfumes, cleaners, and pollution, add to your load.
Will this purification program help me lose weight?
By following the Standard Process Purification Program you will be working toward sustained, long-term weight management. The ideal weight-management system is not a quick fix but a long-term commitment. You will need to make lifestyle changes that will continue long after the purification process is completed.
What supplements will I use during purification?
SP Cleanse®
✦ Vegetarian supplement containing whole foods and botanicals that helps the body’s purifying organs—kidneys, liver, and intestines— eliminate toxins to: Maintain healthy kidney and liver function, Support a healthy gastrointestinal environment and promote regular elimination Support the lymphatic system, a major part of the immune system.
SP Complete® (whey protein) or SP Complete® Dairy Free (rice protein)
✦ Both offer essential whole food nutrition in a versatile shake that: Delivers powerful antioxidant protection to support liver detoxification and immune function, as well as combat free radical damage Provides amino acids, essential fatty acids, and other vitamins to support intestinal, muscular, and immune health
✦ SP Complete Dairy Free contains rice protein instead of whey and is designed for those who are sensitive to dairy.
✦ Your health care professional will determine which product is right for you.
Gastro-Fiber® (capsules) or Whole Food Fiber (powder)
✦ Gastro-Fiber provides dietary fiber from botanicals and other whole food sources with more soluble fiber (slows digestion).
✦ Whole Food Fiber contains whole food ingredients with more insoluble fiber (creates a feeling of fullness).
✦ Both help: Soften the stool and encourage regular elimination Promote a healthy gut—provides an environment for beneficial microorganisms Maintain healthy lipid and blood glucose levels already in normal ranges.
✦ Your health care professional will determine which product is right for you. SP Green Food.®
✦ Contains organically grown whole food concentrates from Brussels sprouts, kale, alfalfa, buckwheat, and barley grass to: Support detoxification in the liver and combat free radical damage Provide a good source of phytonutrients, essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.*
The Highest Quality Ingredients
How to do the Standard Process Purification Program?
Follow the supplement regimen below or as directed by your health care professional.
Days 1-7
✦ 2-3 SP Complete or SP Complete Dairy Free shakes per day (2 scoops per shake) Click Here for some tasty recipes.
✦ 7 SP Cleanse capsules 3 times per day.
✦ 3 Gastro-Fiber capsules 3 times per day or 1 tablespoon Whole Food Fiber per SP Complete shake.
Days 8-21
✦ 2-3 SP Complete or SP Complete Dairy Free shakes per day (2 scoops per shake).
✦ 3 Gastro-Fiber capsules 3 times per day or 1 tablespoon Whole Food Fiber per SP Complete shake.
✦ 5 SP Green Food capsules 2 times per day.
Gastro-Fiber® (capsules) or Whole Food Fiber (powder)
✦ Gastro-Fiber provides dietary fiber from botanicals and other whole food sources with more soluble fiber (slows digestion).
✦ Whole Food Fiber contains whole food ingredients with more insoluble fiber (creates a feeling of fullness).
✦ Both help: Soften the stool and encourage regular elimination Promote a healthy gut—provides an environment for beneficial microorganisms Maintain healthy lipid and blood glucose levels already in normal ranges.
✦ Your health care professional will determine which product is right for you. SP Green Food.®
✦ Contains organically grown whole food concentrates from Brussels sprouts, kale, alfalfa, buckwheat, and barley grass to: Support detoxification in the liver and combat free radical damage Provide a good source of phytonutrients, essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.*
What can I eat on the Standard Process Purification Program?
You can eat an unlimited amount of vegetables from the list below. (Use organic whenever possible.) Your vegetable intake should be twice the amount of fruit intake.
✦ Average serving size = ½ cup
✦ No dried or canned vegetables; frozen OK
✦ Fresh juices made from vegetables allowed
✦ Can steam or stir fry most vegetables for 4 minutes over low heat, but best to consume half total vegetable amount raw
✦ Fresh herbs and spices optional
These veggies are just a sampling. Keep in mind that you should eat twice as many servings of vegetables as fruits—fresh or frozen only, not dried or canned. (Use organic whenever possible.) Average serving size indicated.
✦ Artichokes
✦ Asparagus
✦ Bamboo shoots
✦ Bean sprouts
✦ Beets, red (steam for 20-30 minutes or until soft)
✦ Bok choy Broccoli or brocciflower
✦ Brussels sprouts
✦ Cabbage (all types)
✦ Carrots
✦ Cauliflower
✦ Celery
✦ Chives
✦ Cucumbers
✦ Eggplant
✦ Garlic
✦ Kohlrabies
✦ Leeks
✦ Mushrooms
✦ Okra
✦ Onions
✦ Oyster plant
✦ Parsley
✦ Peppers (any color)
✦ Pimentos
✦ Radishes
✦ Sea vegetables
✦ Squash (acorn, butternut, spaghetti)
✦ String beans
✦ Sweet potatoes, ½ per day
✦ Turnips
✦ Water chestnuts
✦ Yams, ½ per day
✦ Zucchini
✦ Lettuce and Greens
✦ Arugula
✦ Beet greens
✦ Chicory
✦ Collard greens
✦ Dandelion greens
✦ Endive
✦ Escarole
✦ Kale
✦ Mustard greens
✦ Radicchio
✦ Red/green leaf lettuce
✦ Romaine lettuce
✦ Spinach Swiss chard
✦ Watercress
✦ Fresh herbs and spices optional
These fruits are just a sampling. Keep in mind that you should eat twice as many servings of vegetables as fruits—fresh or frozen only, not dried or canned. (Use organic whenever possible.) Average serving size indicated.
✦ Apples, 1 medium
✦ Apricots, raw 3 medium
✦ Avocados, ¼
✦ Bananas, ½ per shake
✦ Blackberries, 1 cup
✦ Blueberries, 1 cup
✦ Cantaloupe, ½ medium
✦ Cherries, 15
✦ Cranberries, 1 cup
✦ whole Figs, 2
✦ Grapefruit, 1 whole
✦ Grapes, 15
✦ Guavas, 1 whole
✦ Honeydew melon, ¼ small
✦ Kiwis, 1 whole
✦ Kumquats, 1 whole
✦ Lemons, 1 whole
✦ Limes, 1 whole
✦ Loganberries, 1 cup
✦ Mangos, 1 whole
✦ Mulberries, 1 cup
✦ Nectarines, 2 small
✦ Oranges, 1 large
✦ Papayas, 1 small
✦ Peaches, 2 small
✦ Pears, 1 medium Pineapple, ½ cup
✦ Plums, 2 small
✦ Pomegranates, 1 whole
✦ Raspberries, 1½ cup
✦ Rhubarb, 1 cup
✦ Strawberries, 1½ cup
✦ Tangerines, 2 small
✦ Tomatoes, 1 medium
Frequently Asked Questions About Our Purification Program
Is exercise necessary? How much and what type is recommended?
Exercise facilitates the removal of toxins and helps maintain a healthy weight. It is recommended that you walk 30-45 minutes at least four days per week. Strenuous exercise should be put on hold during the 21-day program.
Use caution if you are on a more strenuous exercise program that you would like to maintain throughout the purification program or about resuming strenuous exercise during post-purification.
Can I take my regular supplements/medication on the program?
Your health care professional can help you decide what is right for you based on your health history, supplements/medications you are taking, and health goals.
He or she also might recommend additional supplements to support your body while on the program.
What physical changes will I experience during purification?
Two of the main effects will be an increase in urination and bowel movements.
This is a natural effect of purifying and should not interfere with your daily activities.
In rare cases, you may experience a throbbing sensation in the head, generalized aches, itchy skin, rashes, or fatigue.
These are normal occurrences and will subside in a day or two.
How do I stick to the program when eating away from home?
A Here are some tips to help you stay on track:
1) Plan your strategy before you leave home.
2) When choosing a restaurant, select one that serves foods on the recommended list above. This will curb temptation.
3) When traveling, bring along a cooler packed with water bottles, fresh fruit, and sliced raw vegetables.
4) When attending a social gathering, bring a dish to pass that fits your stage of the program, like a fruit/veggie tray or chicken kabobs.
Why can’t I substitute different vegetables than what are outlined?
The vegetables cited in this booklet are recommended because of their high nutritive value and their capacity to support detoxification.
What if I want to add more protein or fiber to my diet during or after purification?
Whey Pro Complete or Whole Food Fiber can be added to shakes or mixed with other beverages or foods, like applesauce or yogurt.
What can I do if I am tired or lack energy while on the program?
You may be fatigued because your body may require a higher amount of protein during purification and post-purification.
What can I do for temporary constipation?
Remember to drink plenty of water—at least 64 ounces per day. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits with a high fiber content.
Eating one beet daily encourages regular bowel movements.
Do the purification products contain gluten?
A list of gluten-free products is available on our website. Gluten sensitivity is a complex issue.
Due to differences in patient sensitivities, nutritional counseling from your primary health care professional should be individualized, and potential gluten allergies and/or celiac disease should be discussed before you begin the Standard Process Purification Program.
Why is there lactose in SP Complete?
Whey is a protein source found in SP Complete, and lactose is a nutrient found in whey.
There is approximately ½ gram of lactose per shake. Try SP Complete Dairy Free if lactose is a concern.
Is the Standard Process Purification Program vegetarian?
It is vegetarian (lacto-ovo) but not vegan.
What if I am allergic to certain foods on the list?
If you suspect you are having a reaction to a specific food, refrain from eating it.
Are the purification or post-purification programs recommended for pregnant or lactating women?
No. More calories are required during pregnancy and lactation than are needed during purification and for everyday weight management.
How do I remain in good health after the program?
The logical next step after purification is the post-purification program.
This will allow you to reach your “new” normal—the healthy way you will eat and live from now on.
How long will I remain on post-purification?
You’ll want to continue the things you’ve learned as you maintain your quest for better health.
What if I am allergic to certain foods on the list?
If you suspect you are having a reaction to a specific food, refrain from eating it.
Purification Challenge
Which 21-Day Program Should You Choose?
We have 8 different purification combinations to choose from based on your dietary and taste requirements. We have Whey Protein (for you purists), Chocolate Whey Protein (our most popular), Vanilla Whey Protein, or Plain Dairy Free (from Rice Protein).
Each kit comes in either Whole Food Fiber (which you blend in shakes) or Gastro-Fiber (pills). If you like a more natural experience with minimal pills, try for the Whole Food Fiber.
If this is your first time and do not want to deal with smoothie recipes, we recommend chocolate or vanilla varieties. If you know what to expect, try the dairy free and add your own fruit and veggies into your smoothies.
Your Purification Kit Options:
- Whey Protein: Chocolate, Vanilla and Plain
- Dairy Free (Rice Protein): Plain
- Gastro Fiber (pills) or Whole Food Fiber (powder that blends into your smoothie)